Active Learning is a learning concept that is deemed in accordance with the demands of advanced learning. Therefore, every school should be able to implement and develop active learning as well as possible. With
reference to the idea of the Center for Research and Ministry of
National Curriculum (2010), the following is presented a number of
indicators or characteristics of schools that have been carrying out an
active learning process in terms of aspects: (a) the expectations of the
school, creativity, and innovation; (b) human resources; (c) environmental, facility, and learning resources; and (d) the process of teaching-learning and assessment.
Achievement of learners with more emphasis on "generate" rather than "understand".School organizes the event 'competition' that educates and healthy.
Friendly school environment (eg no plants or trees, flowers po, trash)
Better yet, if there is a product / work of students who have artistic value and economic / capital for sale.
It is better if there is an exhibition of works of students within a certain time, for example once a year.
Works learners are more dominant than the installation of the various attributes of the school.
School life feels more lively, cheerful and carefree.
School neat, clean, and orderly.
School community mannered, disciplined and friendly.
Animo go to school is increasing.
Schools apply to receive a special selection of new learners.
There are forums channeling complaints learners.
School climate more democratic.
Held competitions between classes regularly and at the secondary level there are competitions of scientific works of students.
There are visits to learning resources in the community.
Learning activities on the syllabus and lesson plans emphasizing the active involvement of learners.
Learners know and can explain about the school environment (eg, teacher's name, the name of the principal, and the common things in the school).
There is an internal training program of teachers (in-house training) on a regular basis.
There is a forum discussion or consultation between principals and teachers and other education personnel on a regular basis.
There is a program brainstorm, discussion or consultation with partners from the various parties involved (stakeholders)....
The school principal concerned and make time to receive complaints and suggestions from students and teachers.
Open school principal in management, particularly financial management to teachers and parents / school committee.
Teachers act as facilitators in the learning process.Teachers familiar with the names of learners.
Teachers open to students in terms of valuation.
The attitude of friendly and smiling teachers to students, and there was no physical violence and verbal to the learners.
Teachers are always trying to find new ideas in managing and developing classroom learning activities.
Teachers show a gesture of affection to students.
Learners much observation in the neighborhood and sometimes learning outside the classroom.
Learners dared to ask the teacher.
Learners bold in expressing their opinions.
Learners do not be afraid to communicate with the teacher.
The students work together regardless of ethnicity, race, class, and religion.
Learners are not afraid of the principal.
Learners are pleased to read in the library, and there are behaviors tend to scramble want to read the book when it comes mobile library.
More untapped potential of learners as well as the interests and talents of learners more easily detected.
Expression learners seemed happy in the learning process.
Learners are often put forward the idea of the learning process.
Attention learners are not easily distracted to people / guests who come to the school.
Learning resources in the school environment utilized learners to learn.
There is a wall-run magazine learners are periodically replaced with a new work of learners.
In the room at the school, there is a display of the work of learners.
No props stacked practices in the principal's office or other space to dusty.
The books are not stacked in the principal's office or in another room.
Frequency of visits of students to the school library to read / borrow books high enough.
In every class there is a display of the work of the new learners.
There is a varied learning tool.
Use a variety of learning resources.
At a certain level of integration in the approach applied learning activities antarmata relevant subjects.
There appears to be working teachers to teachers for the benefit of the learning process.
In assessing the progress of learning outcomes teachers use a variety of ways according to the indicators of competence. When the demands of doing a performance indicator, which assessed performance. When the demands of indicators relating to understanding concepts used are written assessment tool. When the indicator includes an element of investigation demands, assignments (projects) that were assessed. When the demands of the indicator to produce a 3-dimensional product, both the manufacturing process and quality, assessed the manufacturing process or product.
There is no general tests together, both at the level of the school and the area, in the middle of the semester and / or the end of the semester, because the teacher has to recognize the conditions of learners through the diagnosis and has made improvements or enrichment based on the diagnosis of the condition of the learners.
Model report card gives room to express descriptively already mastered the competencies of students and yet, so it can be known what is needed learners.
Teachers make an assessment when the teaching-learning process takes place. This is done to discover the difficulties of learning and achievement possibilities that could develop learners as well as diagnostic tools to determine whether learners have to perform remediation or enrichment.
Using the assessment criteria of reference, in which the achievement of the ability of learners do not compare to the ability of learners to another, but compared to the competence itself, before and after the study.
Determination of criteria for completeness study submitted to the teacher to control the achievement of certain competencies of learners. Thus, as early as possible teachers can identify the weaknesses and the success of the participants in a particular competency.
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